To Tim Tebow

Hi Tim,

Enjoyed your book “Through My Eyes” and admire the evangelical zeal of you & your wonderful family very much! However there is one thing I’d like to discuss with you. I read in the book that you often say when witnessing “Take Jesus into your heart.” While this sounds nice its not going to get anyone to heaven. Its basically a misquote of Revelation 3:20. There is only one way as you know to get to heaven and that’s through the blood of Jesus.  No matter what religion you are you can be ASSURED of going to heaven if you’ll just stop and pray the following to God and mean it.

-Christ died for all of my sins past, present and future and paid for them with His blood (John 3:16)
-good works won’t get me there (Ephesians 2:8-9)
-now that I’m saved I can never lose my salvation (John 10:28-29)

Also I notice that in your book you quote the NASB version of the Bible. In the KJV all except five verses have been proven to be original scripture. We know that God’s words have infinitely more power than ours. The KJV is God’s Word. The NASB and others is man’s words.

Humbly submitted,
Bill Hoidas